Mental Health Screenings and 推荐 for MCCC Students

Mental health image

Provided by the Monroe 社区 Mental Health Authority

Mental Health 服务 are now available on campus! To schedule an appointment contact the Student Success Center at 734.384.4167.


Mental health exists on a Spectrum. It can  move up and down depending on different circumstances – It can get better or worse.

1 of 5 People have Mental Illness BUT 5 of 5 People have Mental Health

When mental health issues go untreated, they can eventually lead to hospitalization, and then a long period of emotional recovery might be necessary. You should be checking in on your emotional state of well-being as often as your physical health, so that warning signs can be identified and more serious issues don’t have a chance to become ingrained.  Use the Mental Health Check in to determine your next steps for Achieving/maintaining your mental wellness!


Mental Health Check in- Which category best describes how you have been feeling over the last 2 weeks?


  • Joyful, positive, confident, and optimistic mood
  • 健康的 sleep routine
  • Physically well/ stable weight
  • Consciously seeking healthy social connections
  • Memory/focus good
  • High productivity
  • Energy is good-high
  • Present/fully engaged
  • Absence of addiction/substance abuse
  • Reaching full potential
  • Pursuing advancement

Treatment Suggestions

  • Focus on task at hand
  • Break problems into manageable chunks
  • Identify and nurture support systems
  • Maintain healthy lifestyle


  • Nervous, irritable, impatient mood
  • Poor sleep w/nightmares
  • Tired or low energy
  • Decreased physical activity
  • Some weight gain/loss
  • Sporadic addictive behaviors/substance abuse
  • Loss of focus on tasks and/or procrastination
  • 健忘
  • Present but distracted
  • Inconsistent productivity/performance

Treatment Suggestions

  • 认识到限制
  • Get adequate rest, food, and exercise
  • Engage in healthy coping strategies
  • Identify and minimize stressors


  • Anxiety, anger, pervasive sadness, hopelessness
  • Recurring intrusive thoughts
  • Nightmares, restlessness, sleep disturbances
  • Social avoidance
  • Weight gain/loss
  • 疼痛和痛苦
  • Addiction/substance abuse
  • Tardiness, constantly distracted and low concentration/focus on tasks
  • 旷工
  • Low performance/productivity
  • Deterioration in cognitive functioning
  • Noticeable lapses in memory
  • Increased tiredness/fatigue

Treatment Suggestions

  • Identify and understand own signs of distress
  • Talk with someone
  • 寻求帮助
  • Seek social support instead of withdrawing


  • 高焦虑
  • 抑郁情绪
  • Anger volatility
  • 不一致的
  • Suicidal thoughts
  • Isolation and withdrawal from social activities
  • Severe Addiction/substance abuse
  • Trouble falling/staying asleep
  • Constant prolonged fatigue/exhaustion
  • 疾病/痛苦
  • Extreme weight gain/loss
  • Low productivity/performance
  • Memory loss/impairment to cognitive functioning
  • Unable to concentrate
  • Withdrawn from everyday activities
  • 缺席

Treatment Suggestions

  • Seek consultation as needed
  • Follow healthcare provider recommendations
  • Regain physical and mental health



Mental health screening

  • 推荐
  • Crisis prevention and intervention
  • 宣传

Linking and coordinating to the following resources:

  • Counseling / Therapy
  • 卫生服务
  • Financial Assistance
  • 住房
  • 社会服务
  • Other services and natural supports

Accessing 服务

Fall/Winter Semesters
Monday - Thursday: 8:30 am - 5 p.m.

Student Success Center
Disability 服务 Office 

Founders Hall, F-149
(Enter through the Student Success Center off the Vajcner Academic Commons.)
Phone: (734) 384-4167

  • Students can call the Disability 服务 Office Monday-Thursday from 9 a.m.-4 p.m. 或星期五早上9点.m.-3 p.m. to request outreach from Monroe 社区 Mental Health Authority and receive a referral packet.
    Students can meet with counselors in-person or virtually.
  • 24-hour services/Crisis. Please call the Monroe 社区 Mental Health Authority. After-hours, on-call staff is available to respond to crisis. 调用 toll-free crisis phone: 1-800-886-7340. TDD/TTY: 1-800-886-7340.

Monroe 社区 Mental Health Authority Logo                        MCCC标志